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Vibro-meter 200-595-031-111 VM600 CPUM CPU card


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VM600 CPU and IOCN Modular CPU card and input/Output card is a rack controller and communication interface card that acts as a system controller and data communication gateway for the VM600 Rack Mechanical Protection System (MPS) and/or condition Monitoring system (CMS).

Vibro-meter :200-595-031-111 VM600 CPUM

Vibro-meter 200-595-031-111 VM600 CPUM CPU card

The 200-595-031-111 VM600 CPUM Module CPU card, VM600 CPU and IOCN Modular CPU card and input/Output card is a rack controller and communication interface card that acts as a system controller and data communication gateway for the VM600 Rack Mechanical Protection System (MPS) and/or condition Monitoring system (CMS).

VM600 CPUM and IOCN modular CPU card and input/output card Key features and benefits

1:VM600 CPUM/IOCN rack controller and communications interface card pair with support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET, and a front-panel display
2:“One-Shot” configuration management of protection cards (MPC4 and AMC8) in a VM600 rack using an Ethernet or RS-232 serial connection to a computer running the VM600 MPSx software
3:Front-panel display for visualisation of monitored outputs and alarm limits from protection cards
4:Front-panel alarm reset (AR) button
5:VM600 MPS rack (CPUM) security
6:Industry standard fieldbus communications interfaces: Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET
7:Two Ethernet connections and up to three serial connections (RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485) can run simultaneously
8:Communications redundancy with multiple fieldbuses: Ethernet and/or serial
9:VM600 system event and measurement event logs available via the VM600 MPSx software
10:Supports live insertion and removal of protection cards (“hot-swapping”) with automatic configuration
11:Ethernet (100 Mbps) communication
12:Front-panel status indicators (LEDs)
13:Compatible with all VM600 (ABE04x) system racks

Different versions of CPUx/IOCx rack controller and communications interface card pair are available, as follows:
• The CPUM/IOCN is the original version with a front-panel display and support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VVV-VVV).
• The CPUR/IOCR is a version with rack controller redundancy and support for Modbus RTU/TCP (PNR 600-007-VVV-VVV).
• The CPUR2/IOCR2 is a version with mathematical processing of fieldbus data and support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-VVV).

Vibro-meter VM600 product recommendations

200-510-076-114 200-510-111-034 VM600 MPC4丨Vibro-meter machinery protection card ,200-582-915-032 VM600,VM600-ABE040 204-040-100-011,620-002-000-113 620-003-111-112 VM600 XI016T,200-566-000-012 200-566-101-012 VM600 IOCN,200-560-000-018 200-560-101-015 VM600 IOC4T,620-002-000-113 620-003-111-112 VM600 XIO16T,VM600 RPS6U 200-582-200-011,VM600 RPS6U 200-582-500-013,VM600 CPUM 200-595-100-014,VM600 MPC4 200-510-071-113 200-510-111-034,VM600 CPUM ,VM600 MPC4 ,VM600 MPC1,200-510-017-019 200-510-111-013 VM600 MPC4,


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