The ABB 216BM61B differential expansion module has been configured with QTERM-II using the integrated package setup (see Chapter 1) and the configuration file download, you can plan your host to control QTERM-II using the software commands.
Each command is discussed in detail below, and a command summary, including execution times, is in Appendix C. The symbol “ESC” in this chapter always means the onebyte escape character (1 bh = 27 decimals) rather than the three-letter ASCII string. If you want to have permanent software commands override the QDATA configuration file Settings,
you can use the storage parameter eepm command. This saves eepm from making all currently set parameters their current on-power default. The module is a redundant communication module that provides high-speed communication between the various system components in the Symphony Plus system. It is designed to ensure reliable and efficient data transmission and communication between control system components, even in harsh industrial environments.
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