ALSTOM 8RDA44670G01 SA44670.E? FBD Network: Displays a functional block diagram (FBD) related to the cause, effect, or intersection you selected in the matrix.
It also allows property to invert the quantity-value variable detail table: showing the inputs and outputs of the FBD network generated when a cause, effect, or crossover is selected. It also allows variable types and data types.
This diagram shows the regions in the CEM editor. The matrix area of the Matrix CEM editor includes the rows, columns, and intersections of the matrix.
ALSTOM 8RDA44670G01 SA44670.E In a basic matrix that does not use functions, the cause can be directly related to the effect through the intersection. In a more complex matrix, such as this graph, you can include cause, effect, and intersection functions. When features are included, the inputs and outputs of those features are available in a matrix. The FBD Network area of the CEM Editor displays a functional block diagram (FBD) related to the cause, effect, or intersection you selected in the matrix.
The ALSTOM 8RDA44670G01 SA44670.E network uses internal Boolean variables to save results and move results to relevant cells so that cause and effect can be evaluated. When you create a cause, intersection, or effect, an internal variable is automatically created for each cause, intersection, and effect.
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