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HONEYWELL CC-PCF901 Input channel module


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The installation of the HONEYWELL CC-PCF901 VMIVME-7455 with the VMIVME-7591, -7592, or -7695 is: similar to the installation on the previous pages. The only exception is that VMIVME-7695 is compatible with VME64. Recommendation: The VMIVME-7455 and VMIVME-7695 can be used in standard VMEbus chassis.




-Model Name: CC-PCF901

  • Shipping Port:Xiamen
  • Manager: BONNIELIU
  • E-mail:
  • Tel: + 86-18030295068 (WhatsApp)
  • Wechat: + 86-18030295068
  • Address: Room 609, 6th Floor, Block A, 510 Xinao Road, Xiangan District, Xiamen

HONEYWELL CC-PCF901 Input channel module

The installation of the HONEYWELL CC-PCF901 VMIVME-7455 with the VMIVME-7591, -7592, or -7695 is: similar to the installation on the previous pages. The only exception is that VMIVME-7695 is compatible with VME64. Recommendation: The VMIVME-7455 and VMIVME-7695 can be used in standard VMEbus chassis.

However, if a VME64 chassis is required, the VME64 backplane will use: 160 pin 5-row connectors, where only the center three rows of the backplane pins are used for signal, power, and ground. Therefore VMIVME-7455 In the VME64 chassis, care must be taken to ensure proper alignment using the 64-core cable assembly shown in Figure 4 on page 9 to: by connecting the CPU board to the CD ROM and the optional VMIVME-7452 backplane.

Both cables should use the same 64-core cable assembly VMEbus and VME64 backplane. The part number of the interface cable is VMIC model number: VMIVME-VMXC-3. This section provides information products related to the care and maintenance of VMIC. If the product fails。

verify the following: Software System Configuration Electrical connection jumper or Configuration options Circuit boards are fully inserted into their correct connector positions Connector pins are clean and pollution-free None of the components of the adjacent boards are disturbed when inserted or removed Remove the board from the case The quality of the cable and I/O connections If you must return a product, contact VMIC for a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number. This RMA number must be obtained before any return.

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