IOCN card
The OCN card acts as the signal and communication interface for the CPUM card. It also protects all inputs from electromagnetic interference (EMI) and signal surges to meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards
Ethernet connections for 1OCN cards (1 and 2) provide access to primary and secondary Ethernet connections, and serial connectors RS provide access to secondary row connections.
The CPUMIOCN card pair and the VM600 rack CPUMOCN card pair are used in conjunction with the VM600 ABE04X system rack, and the CPUM card can be used alone or with the associated 10CN card as a card
Start using, depending on application/system requirements.
The CPUM is a dual-width card that occupies two VM600 rack Bbits (cards). The 0CN is a single-width card that occupies one VM600 bbit. The CPUM is installed in the front of the rack (slots 0 and 1), and the associated 1OCN is installed in the rear of the rack (slot 0) directly behind the CPUM. Each card is connected directly to the backplane of the rack using two connectors. Note: The CPUM/IOCN card pair is compatible with all VM600 ABEO4x system racks.
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